Wednesday 1 October 2014

Outfit of the day: Choker, Airmax and hologram

hologram backpack, pink midi skirt, pink cord choker, outfit

  Wore a variation of this outfit about three times (oops). I just love the contrast of fuchsia against white! What do you think about choker trend having a comeback? It's crazy, I still remember when tattoo chokers have been all the rage about ten years ago. I guess I'm getting old if I recognize these trends from the past :) What next, striped over-the-knee socks, haha. Seriously, I was all over that trend, one sock had to be scrunched down a la Pippi Longstocking. Not seeing this one coming back soon, but then again, who would've thought a couple of years ago that I'd be wearing a neon pink telephone cord choker.

  Помните, как лет десять назад в моде были "удушки" (мы их так называли))? Пришло время порыться в старых вещах и достать их - тренд на чокеры набирает обороты. Этот розовый и похожий на олдскульный телефонный провод я нашла в Topshop. Лично я рада возвращению этих смешных аксессуаров, а Вы? Этот яркий чокер такой броский, что я решила сделать его единственным аксессуаром контрастного образа. Конечно, не считая невероятного голографического рюкзака)
pink, white, midi, airmax, hologram, ootd, sporty, minimal, blogger, outfit ideapink, white, telephone wire choker, long hair, fashion blog, pink lip 
creamy iPhone case, miranda kerr phone case, chocolate case, mac impassioned, starbucks, flat lay
Nike Airmax, H&M skirt, AA tee, Zara blazer, Bershka backpack and phone case, Topshop cord choker, MAC lipstick in Impassioned

Photos and editing by Oleg Sharonov

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1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love the 2014 nike air max!
    Where did you find these sneakers? I'm totally obsessed with them, but they are sold out everywhere!?
    Look at my website can get them Mens Air Max 2014
